
Suppose we have 2 unsigned integer A and B. B is a power of 2 ie there is a number b such as B = 1U << b

It can be checked with the following code

static inline ispowerof2(int b) {
	return b & !(b & (b - 1));

b can be computed by ilog2 function

int ilog2(unsigned int v) {
	int i = -1;
	while(v) {
		v >>= 1;
	return v;

or from logarithm#Integer

 * Returns the floor form of binary logarithm for a 32 bit integer.
 * −1 is returned if ''n'' is 0.
int floorLog2(unsigned int n) {
  if (n == 0)
    return -1;

int pos = 0; if (n >= 1<<16) { n >>= 16; pos += 16; } if (n >= 1<< 8) { n >>= 8; pos += 8; } if (n >= 1<< 4) { n >>= 4; pos += 4; } if (n >= 1<< 2) { n >>= 2; pos += 2; } if (n >= 1<< 1) { pos += 1; } return pos; }

In this case we have :

  1. A * B == A << b
  2. A / B == A >> b
  3. A % B == A & (B - 1) == A & ((1U << b) - 1)

Usage in C

Either we can define your own function for * / % or we can use compiler optimisation. If we replace B by 1 << b (with a macro), then

int divu(uint a, uint b)
        return a / (1U << b);

int modu(uint a, uint b) { return a % (1U << b); }

int mulu(uint a, uint b) { return a * (1U << b); }

will give you in arm assembly (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -Os -S )

        mov     r0, r0, lsr r1
        mov     pc, lr
        mvn     r3, #0
        bic     r0, r0, r3, asl r1
        mov     pc, lr
        mov     r0, r0, asl r1
        mov     pc, lr

That's pretty fast without ugly operator redefinition !!!

But add and sub are slower [1], because we need to compute the shift.

Note a gcc missoptimisation (

int divu3(uint a, uint b)
        return a / ((1U<<b) / 4);

        stmfd   sp!, {r3, lr}
        mov     r3, #1
        mov     r1, r3, asl r1
        mov     r1, r1, lsr #2
        bl      {aeabi_uidiv
        ldmfd   sp!, {r3, pc}

This is unfortunate, the compiler could have generated :

        mov     r3, #1
        mov     r1, r3, asl r1
        mov     r1, r1, lsr #2
        mov     r0, r0, lsr r1


int addu(uint a, uint b)
        return a + (1U << b);
        mov     r3, #1
        add     r0, r0, r3, asl r1
        mov     pc, lr

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